
旧広島県港湾事務所 former Hiroshima Prefecture port administration building 広島市南区宇品海岸3丁目

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写真: 旧広島県港湾事務所 former Hiroshima Prefecture port administration building 広島市南区宇品海岸3丁目

写真: 旧広島県港湾事務所 広島市南区宇品海岸3丁目 2016年7月10日 写真: くにひろ屋 洋酒ケーキ 5コ入り パックケース 府中市上下町小堀

旧広島県港湾事務所 https://flic.kr/p/J8fxUZ https://flic.kr/p/JCNP2m
広島市南区海岸通3丁目13 https://flic.kr/p/J8fwxk

「この世界の片隅に」の時代 https://flic.kr/s/aHsk8UCeZA

広島南警察署 宇品海岸交番 https://flic.kr/p/K1VTRG
広島市南区宇品海岸3丁目13-33 https://flic.kr/p/JD7ZTq

海岸通り 宇品海岸3丁目13番交差点 https://flic.kr/p/J9rYvK
広島県広島港湾振興事務所 広島市南区宇品海岸2丁目23-53
フローレンス宇品海岸グランドアーク 広島市南区宇品海岸3丁目8-15

Former Hiroshima Prefecture Port Administration Building
name at time of bombing Ujina Police Station
Ujina Kaigan, Minami-ku, Hiroshima-shi
distance from hypocenter 4,640 m
The Hiroshima Port Police Station was established in 1881. The current surviving building was built in 1909. At the time of construction, the building was also used as the Ujina Branch Station of the Hiroshima Police. The Ujina Branch Station, however, was elevated in status to the Ujina Police Station in 1926. Port police functions were later handed over to the Ujina Police Station when the port police station was eliminated in 1937. An addition was added to the building in 1938 due to the development of Ujina and the Sino-Japanese War requiring expanded police operations.

Although the atomic bombing caused damage to the roof and beams, the building escaped destruction. The building is now one of the few existing wood-constructed Meiji era buildings in the city. The name of the Ujina Police Station was later changed to the Hiroshima Minami Police Station and the station was moved to a new building in 1964. Until 1981, the building was used as the Hiroshima Prefecture Port Administration Building.

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